Travel Advice

4 Best Tips For Travelling Long Distances With Your Cat | Proven Ways

Here are some best tips for travelling long distances with your cat from my experiences. It’s a well-known fact that most cats don’t like to travel that much. But if you need to take your cat on a trip so bad or maybe you are moving somewhere far, you will have no option other than to take your beloved furball with you. Therefore sharing some tips on travelling long distances with your cat will be very helpful for you.

Is travelling long distances with your cat a good idea?

Well, we all know how enthusiastic and excited dogs are when meeting new destinations. But it differs when it comes to travelling with your cat. Cats tend to wander around the house and sleep. They are not welcoming new changes to their daily routine.

In general, travelling with your cat may not sound like the wisest thing. When travelling with your cat changing modes and surroundings can stress them out, which may lead to health issues. But there are a few ideas that you can do to make your cat feel comfortable and calm while travelling long distances with your cat.

1. What to pack when travelling long distances with your cat

First Things First, when travelling long distances with your cat ensuring your fur baby’s comfort is the most efficient way to keep your kitty calm and happy without getting stressed. To do that, you have to have a good understanding of the right gear to pack.

01. Cat Bed

When travelling long distances with your cat, bring your cat’s bed along with you because cats love sleeping. Providing them with bed rest as much as possible will help you to keep your fur baby calm. Try not to buy them a brand new cat bed because your cat might not like it. If you don’t have a cat bed, there are other options you could try when travelling with your cat.

02. Cat Cave

cat cave can be useful when travelling with your cat since it provides shelter and a hiding place for your cat. Your cat will feel safe and cosy inside a cat cave. So for those who don’t possess a cat bed can use a cat cave as an alternative.

03. Cat Blanket

In my opinion, bringing a cat blanket is a must. You will need a cat blanket to keep your furry friend warm and provide him or her some privacy while they are in their carrier or the bed. Also, it could act as a cover for your cat carrier to avoid distractions. Another good use of a cat blanket is that you can make your own cat bed by putting some cosy blankets and your cat’s favourite pillows inside your cat carrier.

04. Cat Carrier

Since you are travelling long distances with your cat, it is important to make sure that your cat carrier is in the right size. Otherwise, your cat would get nervous and stressed out during the journey. When travelling with your cat carrier should be big enough for your cat to move around and lay down comfortably.

05. Disposable Cat Litter Box

When you are travelling long distances with your cat taking a disposable cat litter box is a must. It is your utmost responsibility to provide a safe place for your cat to excrete. These disposable cat litter boxes are portable and instrumental when on the road and staying in a hotel.

06. Leashes & Harnesses

When travelling with your cat, never let your cat wander around out of the car without a leash. If they get frightened, they will run away, and we don’t want that to happen. Whether your cat is aggressive or not, always keep your cat on a leash when outside. Since you are travelling with your cat and driving windows open, I highly advise you to keep your cat harnessed. They might jump off if they get scared.

07. Scratchpad

A scratchpad may sound funny, but we all know how much cats love to scratch as cat owners. So if you could bring a cardboard scratch pad with you, it will fulfil the need for scratching. When travelling with your cat keeping him or her busy and distracted is the key.

08. Cat ID

When travelling long distances with your cat, please don’t forget to have an ID on your beloved cat to prevent losing him or her. If you don’t put an ID tag on if lost, people will think it might be a stray cat. And the chances of finding your cat are low in such situations.

09. Favorite Toy

Travelling long distances with your cat can be stressful for your cat. So, bring your cat’s favourite toy to keep it entertained. You can accompany your cat with things that smell familiar to make him or her feel at home.

10. Collapsible Bowls

They are convenient and easy to use while travelling long distances with your cat. Collapsible Bowls are handy. You can easily feed and give water to your cat anywhere. As per limited space, having collapsible bowls will save you some space when travelling with your cat.

11. Treats

Prevent giving any food 5-6 hours before travelling with your cat to avoid motion sickness. Do pack some healthy, light treats to feed your cat on the way. Treats will distract your cat for a little while and will keep him or her calm.

12. Medication

Since your cat can be anxious and stressed while travelling, you can ask for some medication from your veterinarian. Cats can get motion sickness while travelling long distances.

These are my top 12 gear suggestions to pack when you are travelling long distances with your cat.

2. Regulations that concern when flying with your cat

Some airlines don’t allow pets, so check beforehand about the policies of the airline. Your cat buddy should be in good health and should possess a valid health certificate. You can get a valid health certificate from your veterinarian.

Your cat should be kept in a suitable carrier that allows your cat to move around, lie down and stand up freely. Also, check the ventilation system of the carrier. Since it will be a long journey, it will be a good idea to take your cat in the carrier on short trips throughout the town before going straight on the trip. Then your furry friend will get used to the carrier.

When booking a seat, make sure that you have a cabin close to you for your cat to stay. Your cat should be at least eight weeks old, microchipped, and should possess a pet passport with vaccinations certificates to travel by air.

When travelling long distances with your cat, always put on a cat collar with ID and other necessary information on it. Despite the mode of transportation you use when travelling with your cat, always keep an eye on your cat.

3. Things to consider when planning a lodge

Since you are travelling with your cat, you can’t just pick somewhere and stay. You will have to do some research on cat-friendly hotels for lodging. Please keep in mind that all pet-friendly hotels don’t welcome your cats there. What they really mean is “Dog-friendly”.

When you find the perfect hotel, do respect the hotel’s pet policies. If you have multiple lodging options, go for somewhere that doesn’t have anything that your cat might destroy by scratching.

Always clean up after your pet, and don’t leave any mess behind. When travelling with your cat, try to keep your cat calm and on a leash.

4. Medication and Veterinary advice

Before travelling with your cat, pay a visit to your veterinarian and take your cat’s health certificate. If your cat has travelled before and can handle it quite well, there is no need for any specific medication. But, if this is the first time, and you think that your cat might get stressed during the long journey, I suggest you consult your veterinarian for some medication.

When travelling long distances with your cat, don’t ever leave your cat alone in the car or the hotel. It will make him feel abandoned. Always be in touch with your cat and pet him or her. If trained well, cats can be great travel buddies too.

Try using these tips next time travelling with your cat. If you are interested in camping with dogs, click the link below to see a complete guide for camping with dogs.

Stay Safe! Travel More!

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